Alberta Hail Project

The Alberta Hail Project was a research project sponsored by the Alberta Research Council and Environment Canada to study hailstorm physics and dynamics in order to design and test means for suppressing hail. It ran from 1956 until 1985. The main instrument in this research was an S-band circularly polarized weather radar located at the Red Deer Industrial Airport in central Alberta, Canada.

A vast amount of data were collected from several other platforms to conduct research into precipitation mechanisms, severe storm development, hail suppression, hydrology and microwave propagation. Numerous researchers have used the dataset and during the period 1990 to 1994, 23 publications appeared in journals and conferences, as well as 4 scientific reports were prepared. These papers have included radar meteorology, cloud physics, hydrology/hydrometeorology, computer science, instrumentation, synoptic weather, dynamic and mesoscale meteorology.

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